karlotta karlotta take my to bed


er að búa til lista jamm.

yfir uppáhaldsplötur sko.

en þar sem ég er kominn í tuttuguogfimm og ekki búinn enn, þarf svo að skera niður, set ég einn texta af einni uppáhalds. hún er ein af þessum tuttuguogfimm og ég veit ekki hvort hún nær á topp tíu. eða topp tólf.

sjitt, veit ekki hvernig ég á að snúa mig útúr þessu. verða bara nokkrir uppáhaldslistar sko. númer eitt og númer tvö og númer þrjú og....


Charlotte The Harlot

Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

Taking so many men to your room, don't you feel no remorse?
You charge them a "fiver", It's only for starters.
And ten for the main course.
And you've got no feelings, they died long ago.
Don't you care who you let in?
And don't you know you're breaking the law with the service you're giving.


There was a time when you left me standing there,
Picking up pieces of love off the floor.
Well Charlotte you left me alone in there,
To make your ends as a bloody whore.
Well Charlotte you told me you love me true,
Picking up pieces of love yesterday.
Well Charlotte you're draws are off color too
'Cause you're making love all day.

Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?


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